Embassy Suites Liminal 01

Embassy Suites Liminal 01

Introducing Embassy Suites Liminal 01: Step into a mesmerizing and eerie world where time stands still and imagination takes flight. Immerse yourself in the captivating depths of this HDRI enviroment, additional lighting and camera set, unveiling a deserted giant hotel lobby draped in an ethereal aura, devoid of modern trends and bustling crowds. As the sunlight gently cascades through the grand windows, casting intricate shadows and illuminating every corner with a surreal glow, you'll find yourself transported to a realm where possibilities are as boundless as your creativity.

Harnessing the power of HDRI domes lighting, this virtual environment transcends the ordinary, offering a level of realism and depth that is second to none when it comes to speed and low resource usage. By accurately capturing the full spectrum of light and reflections in a scene, HDRI domes like Embassy Suites Liminal 01 elevate your renders to new heights, infusing them with an authenticity that breathes life into every pixel. Say goodbye to flat, uninspired backgrounds or blocky heavy modelled sets, and embrace a world where every detail is meticulously crafted to perfection. Elevate your artistry with Embassy Suites Liminal 01 and redefine what's possible in the realm of 3D rendering.

Rotation control, Vignette settings, Bloom setttings and shadow depth settings that provide numerous possibilities for this everyday environment. All of these settings can be used with any Iray HDRI or Environment Map. They control only their specific properties and will not affect any of your other Render Settings.

Because of the high resolution of this HDRI map this product exceeds 100MB's so it may take longer for users on a slower connection to download.

Software: DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY

Lighting for Daz Studio and Poser