Kaue for G8M

Kaue for G8M

Careful where you're going!

This package includes head, body, eyes, ears, and nail morphs, 2 options of body mats, reversed feet, 10 eye color presets, 5 L.I.E. presets & anatomical elements.

DAZ files (IRAY):

- Apply/Remove Head
- Apply/Remove Body
- Apply/Remove Nipples
- Apply/Remove Navel
- Apply/Remove Nails (Fae)
- Apply/Remove Ears (Fae)
- MAT Full Body (Human, Fae)
- MAT Brows / No Brows (Human, Fae)
- MAT Eyelashes
- 3 Genital Morphs (Cut / Uncut, Foreskin) + MATS (Human, Fae)
- MAT Eye Colors
- MAT Eyes Glow (ON / OFF)
- Tattoos/Body Paint L.I.E. Presets (Face, Arm, Wrist, Chest, Legs)
- Reverse Feet (Anatomical Geograft)

* To Apply mats on the reverse feet, simply copy/paste from your G8M figure into it. Make sure that the option 'Thin Wailed' is toggled OFF.

This item works only in DAZ and there are DUF files in it. This character is Iray only.

Compatible figures: 
3D Models